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More On Covers Vs. Originals. Now Featuring More Kurt Baker.

Well I guess I got my wish. Yesterday I posted about Geno’s Rock Club’s anti-cover policy – and mentioned that I’d be curious to hear from Kurt Baker (who is about to release an all-covers record – and today the Daily Sun has an article digging a bit deeper in which they spent a good […]

Kurt Baker (cd release) / Mink Wilde And The Gentlemen Callers / The Dopamines / Grabass Charlestons

Kurt Baker’s Got You Covered

Yesterday, local man-about-town Kurt Baker (The Leftovers, Goodnight Process) unveiled the album art (by our pal Robbie Kanner) and a stream of the first track from his upcoming covers album, Got It Covered. Check out “Cruel To Be Kind” below.

Get more info on this album at Oglio Records.
