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Halloween = Metal @ SPACE [10.31.11]

That was a f#%cking rock show! Quite possibly one of the best metal/doom/rock shows I’ve been to. – HillyTown photographer.

Sure, there were plenty of parties and shows happening around Portland this weekend with various spooky themes, but you’ve gotta give it to the true believers who hit SPACE Gallery on Monday for sticking […]

Danava / Thrones / La Otracina / Sylvia

(Venue Change) Wolves in the Throne Room / Thou / Hallowed Butchery / Falls of Rauros

Underoath / Times of Grace / Stray From The Path / Letlive

Waranimal / The Proselyte / Falls Of Rauros

Metal Matinee – Ominous Black / Demo / Ghosthunter

Isis / Cave In