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HillyTown Presented (in Brooklyn) Again [1.31.12]

Two masks, two duos, a dance contest, and flowers? Yup, sounds like a HillyTown Presents show. At least on Tuesday night at Union Hall in Brooklyn, NY it was. A Severe Joy came down from Maine to play a show along with locals Genghis Hans and Mitten, and Poingly kept things fun with jams […]

HillyTown Presented: 2.22.09

It’s been an eventful week around here (and it all culminates tomorrow with the big party). The fun started on Sunday at Slainte with Poingly, Eric Hnatow, Rotundo Sealeg, and a room full of dancing maniacs who braved a pretty heavy snowstorm to come out and party.


HillyTown Presents: Rotundo Sealeg / Poingly / Eric Hnatow