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Last night the Portland Phoenix threw a really fun party at Port City to announce the winners of their “Best” readers poll. I’m proud to say that HillyTown won the award for Best Blog! Thanks to everybody who voted! Also, congrats to all the other nominees and winners of various awards – a few I […]

Temporary Sunshine Round Up [June 20-26]

As if you didn’t know, the only thing anybody seems to care about today is the King Of Pop passing away. RIP MJ indeed.

Arootsakoostic Festival is this weekend and hosts a pretty eclectic lineup, including many of the Portland scene’s finest acts! Someone report back to us with photos! The fantastically done crowdfunded documentary […]

Spin Me Right Roundup [May 30-June 5]

We spent a marathon pin-making night with Kris Johnsen of Emblem Studio (and additional help from Jess from SPACE) getting ready for the debut of the Portland Pins project this weekend. Stop by Eli-Phant (253 Congress St., Portland) tonight on the First Friday Art Walk for the opening of their Unkle Thirsty exhibit and […]

Portland Pins, Get Them In!

This is a reminder that today is the deadline for getting your Portland Pins designs turned in to us for them to be included in the debut of the project this weekend at Eli-Phant! If you’ve filled out a template sheet, you can drop it off at the box in the lobby of SPACE Gallery […]