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janane tripp (visitations) / b.r. garm (visitations) / kent (visitations)

The Barn Swallows

A Severe Joy Releases and Tour Update!

We love Jose Ayerve’s project, A Severe Joy. He just sent word of a new project in which he will release 10 singles throughout 2012, each being delivered on limited edition plexi-disc records that have been lathe-cut and numbered by Jeremy Leclair of Various Artists Records in limited quantities for purchase online. The first one, […]

Travis Cyr / Putnam Smith / Greg Klein

Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone / Chris Weisman

Beach Boys

Herbcraft / Zebu / Heavy Breathing

The Wicked Hearts (w/ Paul Russo, Pinkerton Thugs, fmr Unseen) / Old Soul / 4 Player Co-Op

Dinosaur Feathers / Grandchildren

Chamberlain / Tan Vampires / Worried Well

USM Philosophy Symposium benefit

Thurston Moore Sold Out SPACE [1.30.12]

I mean, of course he did, right? He’s Thurston Moore. That’s how that should work. All reports indicate an amazing show, openers MMOSS included. I have no doubts. Huck Photography was on hand to deliver these beautiful shots of the show for you.


Scratchpad Reading Series 8 Is Coming!

This Tuesday at Mama’s Crow Bar on Munjoy Hill, Scratchpad returns with 5 readers for your enjoyment. Details here.

Volcano Rabbit / Boxes / Worried Well

HillyTown Presented (in Brooklyn) Again [1.31.12]

Two masks, two duos, a dance contest, and flowers? Yup, sounds like a HillyTown Presents show. At least on Tuesday night at Union Hall in Brooklyn, NY it was. A Severe Joy came down from Maine to play a show along with locals Genghis Hans and Mitten, and Poingly kept things fun with jams […]