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Sinking City Beat Night presents: The Rattlesnakes / Dead Trend / Brick Mower / aLex Keaton – Mayo Street Arts – 11/30/12

Travis Cyr / Putnam Smith / Greg Klein

COKE WEED / Vite Vite Brigitte / Max Hansen

The Wedding of Minnie & Waisely: Panda Bandits and friends

Mayo Street Show Preview (in Videos)

Here’s a video preview of what we’ve put together for you tonight at Mayo Street Arts in Portland. Three excellent acts that you may or may not be aware of already, plus a pre-show stuff-yr-face BBQ party in the backyard (or maybe inside depending on the weather) with both meaty and veggie treats from Deux […]

Cinder Conk

The Molasses Gospel / Tooth & Wail /Yva Las Vegass / Emily Dix Thomas


Vio/Mire / Liz Eisenberg / Hersey State

Dark Hollow Bottling Co. / The Potato Pickers / Grassholes

Okbari Middle Eastern Ensemble

Hi Tiger / Matiss Duhon / Jacob Augustine

Country Night

Powerlines / Computer at Sea / Id m theftable

Ramblin\’ Red [cd release]