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First Friday Roundup, KAHBANG Ticket Contest!, OFFStage Photos

The Gay Blades - photo by Lucia HolmNext week is the big KAHBANG Music Fest in Bangor, Maine. Thanks to one of the bands playing, The Gay Blades, I have two passes to give away to the day-long festival (also featuring Matt & Kim, Ra Ra Riot, Ida Maria, Sex, Royal Bangs, and more)! All you have to do to enter is email (with the subject TGB4N!) and tell me why you want to see The Gay Blades. I’ve provided the photo of the duo (the handsome Clark Westfield and Puppy Mills make up the band) at right for inspiration. The lucky winner will be announced next Wednesday here on More about The Gay Blades (video, tour dates, and a new mp3) at the end of this post, after the jump.

On to the roundup! Being First Friday, there’s a lot of art to be seen around town. Get out early if you actually want to get to see some of the great work debuting tonight, or if you’re just in it for the free wine and cheese. If it’s really the work you’re interested in, it may be better to let the crowds do their thing tonight and stop by the galleries next week some time, when you don’t have to throw elbows to get a good look at that hot new exhibit.

Word is that Tower Of Song IS happening tonight, though maybe not from the usual window. Close though, perhaps. I’d bet that some flyers with details will pop up around town today.

On Sunday night, the 48 Hour Music Fest returns to SPACE Gallery in the form of the documentary directed by Dave Camlin. It’s really funny to play “spot your friends” in the concert portion of the film.

In concert-announcement news, it looks like a Sufjan Stevens show crept up while nobody was looking (or, rather, just hasn’t been officially announced yet), and the LL Bean free concert series in Freeport is still going, with Dar Williams this weekend, the Wallflowers next week, and more acts through September 6. The HillyTown OFFStage @SPACE free, all ages, weekly concert series kicked off this week with Haru Bangs, Theodore Treehouse, and BOXY. Thanks to all the bands, the people who came out, and Otto for the pizza! A few photos:




OFFStage continues >next week with Panda Bandits, Dan Wholey [Earth People Orchestra], and Jesse Pilgrim. The free concert series runs every Wednesday in August at SPACE Gallery. Doors at 7pm, music starting between 7:30 and 8. All ages welcome!

As promised, TGB goodies!
MP3: The Gay Blades – “Why Winter In Detroit”

The Gay Blades are currently promoting a live DVD and split 7″ record, details here. The above MP3 appears on the dvd.

Shortly after their trip up to Maine, Misters Clark Westfield and Puppy Mills are heading to Europe because they’re, like, totally famous there. Here’s where they’ll be.

19-Aug-09 NL Amsterdam, Paradiso
20-Aug-09 NL Rotterdam, Rotown
21-Aug-09 BE Hasselt, Pukkelpop Festival
22-Aug-09 UK Stafford, V Festival
23-Aug-09 UK Chelmsford, V Festival
24-Aug-09 UK London 1st Annual Gay Blades Payback BBQ
27-Aug-09 IT Milan, Circolo Magnolia – Kiss This club night
28-Aug-09 SP Barcelona, Razzmatazz – Pop Bar

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