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PICNIC Band Lineup Announced!

It’s officially summer. That means bands playing outside under the sun in all sorts of unusual places and situations.

One of our favorites (for good reason, since we’re in charge of the music!) is PICNIC, which happens this year on Saturday, August 25 in Lincoln Park in Downtown Portland. We’ve got 9 bands […]

Picnic Music & Arts Festival Lineup

We’re excited to announce the HillyTown Presents-curated lineup of bands playing at next month’s Picnic Music & Arts Festival in Portland, Maine. The free August 27th festival will take place at Lincoln Park on Congress Street and Franklin Arterial from 11am-6pm. We’ve put together a fun day including Maine bands and 3 NYC acts coming […]

CMJ Announcements! Portland Showcase + Day Party + Compilation

I told you I had some news coming. Let’s start with the first ever (that I’ve heard of) Portland, Maine Official CMJ Music Marathon Showcase.

Featuring 7 bands from Maine (and involved in the Portland scene), this showcase will take place on Saturday, October 23rd at Trash Bar (256 Grand St.) in the Williamsburg […]