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Inside the Apohadion (new venue!)

Last night marked the debut of a new venue in Portland. The Apohadion is a brand-new performance space located at 107 Hanover Street, in the space otherwise known at Fort Awesome, Pat Corrigan and Dave Noyes’ studio. Jon Donnell was there and got some great shots of the new space and the three bands […]

We Went To The Maine Comics Arts Festival

It was just a couple of weekends ago that history was made right here in Portland. Maybe you missed it if you didn’t happen to be out wandering down the quiet end of Commercial Street, before you get to the Narrow Gauge, but there was a festival going on! On Sunday, May 17th, Casablanca […]

Roundup. Best Read With A Cookie. [May 9-15]

Did you catch the first of our new contributor Biscuit Wakefield’s chocolate chip cookie reviews? HillyTown aint just music, after all.

The Maine Comic Arts Festival is happening this Sunday, May 17! Head to the Ocean Gateway to meet some of your favorite comic artist and check out the panels and workshops they’re offering! In […]