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HOST / Drab Pony / Video Nasties – Apohadion – 02/18/15

Plains / N/A / Coke Weed

Selbyville (cd release) / Plains / DJ Old Furnace

Glass Ghost / Robert Stillman / Ryan Power / Sara Magenheimer

BJ Snowden / Dan Knudsen / Thithy Bwown

Strange Maine Presents: Wume / Glade Swope / Jason Anastasoff / Anti Friend Hut / Skeet Shooters

Jabon / Dada Trash Collage / Wesley and the Traveling Trees / The Bloodroots Barter

Alex Body / Drab Pony / Fleshtone Aura & ID M THEFT ABLE

Farewell to Mark Tipton / Aleric Nez

WTF: Solace Media Corporation Tourists / Twilight People / Skeet Shooters / Bird Organ + Greg Kowalski

Brown Bird / Al Scorch / Plains

Grass Widow / Broken Water / Rattlesnakes / Village of Spaces

The Whitehaus Presents: BlastForth; a Blastfest Tour Feat. Planets Around The Sun & DJ Pony Farm

The Milkman\\\’s Union / Mango Floss / Time Travelers

Dead Man\\\’s Clothes/Dirty Dishes/Marie Stella/Grass is Green