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Project Jenny Project Jan (and more) Will Make You Dance. Tonight!

This show has been a long time in the making. I’d actually had them penciled in to play in Portland two years ago, but they got snatched up by Fujiya & Miyagi (who they collaborated with for “Pins And Needles“) for a world tour. Their latest album, Home Sweet Home, is a bit smoother […]

My So-Called 90s Nite: a 90s DANCE NIGHT!!!

Get Hump\’d Dance Party: Hott Tubb / Diamond Walls

ROBYN / Natalia Kills / Diamond Rings

Tayisha Busay

Dirty Dishwater: Everything and the Kitchen Sink

Welcome, Atomic Tuesdays

Tonight marks the kickoff for a new weekly party in Portland. Every Atomic Tuesday, Liz Lugosi will hold it down at Styxx for a an epic rock ‘n roll party featuring $1 PBR and $2 whiskey shots (from 8-10), dancing, and fun bands. Sounds like something worth checking out after hitting the all ages […]

New York Night Train SOUL CLAP Dance-Off and Soul Party

Annual SPACE Homecoming Dance

Occidental Brothers Dance Band Int’l

Milled Pavement Presents: Our Accents Sure Are Pretty with Thesis Sahib / Jamesphoney / James Reindee

Neon Garden (dance party)

Change UP! Equinox party! (Kris Clark)

Occidental Brothers Dance Band Int’l

Chin Chin