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Jacob Augustine Opened For Timber Timbre @ PCMH [2.27.15]

On February 27th, Port City Music Hall hosted a mellow evening of northern sounds – Timber Timbre from Canada headlining, and Jacob Augustine from Lincoln, ME opening.

Augustine & his fellow bearded bandmates outright stole the show. Familiar was the singer’s deep soothing voice, seemingly full of wisdom from multiple lives past. New […]

Jukebox the Ghost / Secret Someones / Little Daylight – Port City Music Hall – 03/04/15

Murcielago / Five of the Eyes / Never Got Caught – Port City Music Hall – 02/28/15

Timber Timbre / Jacob Augustine – Port City Music Hall – 02/27/15

The Juliana Hatfield Three / The Sheila Divine – Port City Music Hall – 02/26/15

The Lone Bellow and Odessa Played PCMH [2.23.15]

Last night at Port City Music Hall, Odessa and The Lone Bellow kicked off a winter tour with a sold out show. Check out some photos by Cait Kimball (full gallery here) and the rest of the tour dates (continuing tonight in Burlington, VT) further down.


Aesop Rock / Rob Sonic – Port City Music Hall – 02/20/15

This Weekend In Videos

You’ve got some fine choices for live music in Portland between now and Monday…

TONIGHT: Sinkane / Cookies / Mosart212 @ SPACE

TONIGHT: Tall Horse / People Skills / Gin Lab @ Empire

TONIGHT: Aesop Rock / Rob Sonic Portland, ME @ Port City Music Hall

SATURDAY: DOUGFEST 2015: The Ghosts of […]

Swans / Xylouris White – Port City Music Hall – 02/17/15

They Might Be Giants – Port City Music Hall – 02/27/13

Jukebox The Ghost / Matt Pond PA / The Lighthouse and the Whaler – Port City Music Hall – 02/06/13

REVEREND HORTON HEAT / CONTINENTAL – Port City Music Hall – 12/14/12

sold out: Steve Earle (solo, acoustic) – Port City Music Hall – 12/01/12

High On Fire / Goat Whore / Lopan – Port City Music Hall – 11/28/12

Justin Townes Earle / Tift Merritt – Port City Music Hall – 11/07/12