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Villanelles / Starnes & Shah

Adam Kurtz / Shawn Saindon

Whitehouse On Trial / Dreamosaic

Lewis & Clarke

The Orchards / Aren Sprinkle / Ian Cups

Slainte\’s Quarter Decade! Plains / This Frontier Needs Heroes / Houseboat / Anna\’s Ghost / Everysmithever / Bass Box

The Mutineers / Chantilly

Adam Earley / Lewis The Swan / Adam Sullivan

HillyTown Presented: 4.15.09

I have to say, I love putting on shows at Slainte Wine Bar. It’s a pretty unassuming little room, but you can do great things there. Audiences love that shows are free, the food is good (and it was half-price on this occasion!), and the atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable for the performers. While […]

The Natch / Victor Bravo / The AndWutz

Tonight, TMBG/PCMH News

We had a great time tonight, both at the Phoenix awards show and at our own party at Slainte. The big news of the day, however, is that They Might Be Giants are scheduled to appear at the Port City Music Hall on Friday, June 12! This is great news!

More (including photos from tonight) […]

HillyTown Party Tonight!

Put the taxes behind you and come out for a great night of music tonight at Slainte. We’ve got locals White Light and South China (who sounded great together on WMPG’s Liberation By Sound yesterday) along with the Brooklyn duo Mary Halvorson & Jessica Pavone. As always at Slainte (24 Preble St. in downtown […]

Graph / Jentri Jollimore / AMPM

Anna’s Ghost

Saint Solitude / Jesse Pilgrim