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Anna\’s Ghost [CD release] / Dead Man\’s Clothes

Tower Of Song Fest: Anna’s Ghost

As the latest addition to the (Tower Of Song-connected) Eternal Otter Records roster, Anna’s Ghost take the otherwise upbeat collective in a more somber, dramatic direction than some of the other acts involved. The group closes out the first set of the all-day festival tomorrow with a 1:10pm set.

Photos by Bryan Bruchman, interviews by […]

Tower Of Song Fundraiser: Jesse Pilgrim / Johnny Fountain / Gabrielle Raymond (Anna’s Ghost) / Blaque Boose

Slainte\’s Quarter Decade! Plains / This Frontier Needs Heroes / Houseboat / Anna\’s Ghost / Everysmithever / Bass Box

Dead Man\’s Clothes (CD release) / Anna\’s Ghost / the Manes

Anna’s Ghost

Anna’s Ghost / EverySmithEver / Alex Pastuhov

Anna’s Ghost / Dead Man’s Clothes

All The Real Girls / The Leftovers / Anna\’s Ghost

Annas Ghost

Dead Man’s Clothes / Anna’s Ghost