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Folk By Association, Bonnie Cilla, Chris DiRocco

Gray Shield / Lonesome Lake / Wooden Dinosaur

Jaggery / Walter Sickert & The Army of Broken Toys / Jakob Battick

Hobgoblin / Emerson & Thoreau / Jodi Explodi

Jonnie Lust / Hobgoblin

Goodnight Process

HillyTown Presented: May 21 Photo Recap

Last Friday, May 21, we had a show at Slainte in Portland that included Kyle Wilson of the Brooklyn band Milagres, Selbyville, and Jakob Battick & Friends (in their last full band show until September). There was a great crowd for this show and all of the performances were spectacular. Check out the photos below!


Jakob Battick / Mica Jones / Sound Bundle

Billy Libby (Pitter Patter) / Sarah Wallis

Show Announcement: HillyTown Presents!

This is the first of a few HillyTown Presents show announcements that I’ll have for the summer!

On Friday, May 21, I’m happy to finally welcome the music of Brooklyn’s Milagres (formerly known at The Secret Life Of Sofia) to Portland, Maine. Lead singer/songwriter Kyle Wilson will be playing solo at Slainte […]

HillyTown Presents: Milagres (Brooklyn) / Selbyville / Jakob Battick & Friends

Lovewhip / Computer At Sea / El Grande

Dan Kaplan / Leland Sundries

Good Kids Sprouting Horns / The Rattlesnakes / Wood Burning Cat

The No. 9