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Jacob Augustine Released Three Albums [11.4.11]

We were already well-aware of the power of Jacob Augustine‘s songwriting and voice, as you can see here, but what does it take to properly celebrate the unveiling of three albums at once? Apparently, an epic show full of talented guest musicians and a whole lot of support. That’s just what Jacob got this […]

Billy Libby (Pitter Patter release) / jacob Augustine

Splendora Cölt Played Their First Gig + Show Announcement! [8.16.11]

In the time since the demise of local chaos-fueled folk rockers Dead End Armory, Wesley Hartley and the Traveling Trees saw Wesley’s Texas roots coming to the forefront in a more subdued setting. Now that project has dropped a member and turned up the volume as Splendora Cölt, a trio that rides the line […]

Splendora Colt / Adam Faucet / Billy Libby

The couch: Billy Libby

Sea Level [cd release] / Billy Libby / Vanityites / Amanda Gervasi

Billy Libby and Friends

Jakob Battick & Friends [cd release] / Jacob And The House Of Fire / Billy Libby / Jesse Pilgrim And The Bonfire

Billy Libby (Pitter Patter) / Sarah Wallis