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Treble Treble Vol. 3 Coming Soon

This summer, Ian Paige will curate the third installment of Treble Treble, SPACE Gallery’s series of local music compilations (the first two were by Joshua Loring or Brenda and myself), before he takes off across the country with his band Planets Around The Sun. Eternal Otter Records are helping out by pressing a vinyl […]

Record Store Day Is Coming. Prepare Your Wallets.

For music junkies, Record Store Day is the best sort of blessing and curse. It’s the day when the music industry unleashes a ton of rare, exclusive, limited edition releases upon record stores throughout the world. This year it falls on this Saturday, April 16. Let’s check in with Chris Brown (Bull Moose employee and […]

Whitehaus Family Record Family Record

Though they’re based in Jamaica Plain, MA, the Whitehaus Family Record artists have spent a lot of time making nice with Portland, ME. Last year, they put out a double 12″ LP, The Whitehause Family Record Family Record, and there are only 50 of them left (pictured above). Fans of Theodore Treehouse will recognize […]

The Congress Street Vinyl District

In a front page story with the headline “Record Prophets,” the Portland Daily Sun […]

Shawn Lawrence, Sounds Absurd

As I mentioned last week, a new record shop has opened in downtown Portland. Sounds Absurd is a welcome addition to the Arts District, and I stopped by on opening day (Black Friday) to check out the store and ask owner Shawn Lawrence some questions. Read on for his answers and photos from inside […]

Opening A New Record Shop? That Sounds Absurd!

There’s a new vinyl-only record shop (LPs & 45s) opening in Portland this week. Check it out this (Black) Friday (November 27) as they open their doors for the first time.

Sounds Absurd has taken over the space at 55 Oak Street that was formerly occupied by Herbs Gully, who shut their doors […]