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The Leftovers / Barrance Whitfield / Jenny Dee and the Deelinquents

A Celebration Of Bill Chinnock: This Way / Jacob Augustine / The Lucid / Roy Davis

Jill Sobule

Rachel Efron / Audrey Ryan

Anais Mitchell & the Hadestown Orchestra / Michael Chorney Sextet

Roy Davis and the Dregs / Girls, Guns and Glory


Last night the Portland Phoenix threw a really fun party at Port City to announce the winners of their “Best” readers poll. I’m proud to say that HillyTown won the award for Best Blog! Thanks to everybody who voted! Also, congrats to all the other nominees and winners of various awards – a few I […]

Record Store Day Is This Saturday!

Record junkies, vinyl fanatics, and free music fans, your time is coming. This Saturday, April 17, marks the 4th annual Record Store Day, the concept conceived by Bull Moose Music’s own Chris Brown to celebrate independent record stores. Check out the video below to get a preview of some of the exclusive releases that will […]

Record Store Day: Jakob Battick / Marie Stella / Sophomore Beat / Vik 44 / The Watchers / Covered In Bees

Record Store Day: Spose

Record Store Day: Grace Potter & the Nocturnals / Anais Mitchell

Good Kids Sprouting Horns / The Rattlesnakes / Wood Burning Cat

The No. 9

The No. 9

Good Kids Sprouting Horns / Starnes And Shah