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Mudhoney / Murcielago / Covered In Bees – Asylum – 07/10/15

Covered In Bees / El Malo / Monsters – Empire Dine & Dance – 02/13/15

Covered In Bees / Superpower

Knaughty Sarah\\\’s Birthday Party: Hoboe / The Project VII / Bukura

Covered In Bees (cd release party)

Swingin\’ Utters / The Copyrights / Covered In Bees

Covered in Bees / The Pubcrawlers / Never Got Caught

The Hot Tarts / Covered In Bees

Record Store Day: Jakob Battick / Marie Stella / Sophomore Beat / Vik 44 / The Watchers / Covered In Bees

Covered In Bees / The Marvels / I, Barbarian

The Supersuckers w/ Covered In Bees

Covered in Bees / Hessian / BlowJob Pizza / ManWitch

New Year\’s Eve: Covered In Bees / the Designer Drugs / The Murder Weapon / Ghosthunter

Knaughty Sarah\\\’s 30th Birthday: Covered In Bees / The Hand Me Downs / Hi Fivin\\\’ White Guys / (Blank)ly

The Marvels / Covered In Bees / The Hi Fivin\’ White Guys