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North Star Music Cafe Closing Sunday

Sad news in the Munjoy Hill live music, coffee, and good food world: North Star Music Cafe will be closing their doors for good this Sunday. The cafe asked for help from the community to keep their doors open earlier this year to much support, but it sounds like it just didn’t work out. The […]

Theodore Treehouse Will Sing For You

Well, let’s clarify. If you contribute $75 or more to the band’s Kickstarter campaign, they’ll record an acoustic song in a recordable greeting card for you. For $1000, they’ll play a house party for you (within a 3-hour drive of Portland). The band has completed the recording of their new album, and […]

Welterweight / A Grownup Noise

Featured Album: Seekonk’s Pinkwood 2 Reissue

I don’t know how Seekonk got away with only pressing 100 copies of the original vinyl-only release of their third and final album, Pinkwood 2. Recorded in 2007 and released in 2008, it is a clear landmark in the local music scene, as members of the band soon went on to other acts, including Plains, […]

Occidental Brothers Dance Band International / Samb Mapangala

Marie Stella / Villanelles / Theodore Treehouse

Stephaniesid / Honey Clouds

The Toughcats / Cinder Conk

Pete Miller / Monique Barrett

Mike Doughty / Jennings

Girlyman / Coyote Grace

The Wiyos

The Chapin Sisters / NEeMA / Roy Davis

Miss Tess & the Bon Ton Parade / Over A Cardboard Sea

Zach Deputy