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SXSW Bands: Astronautalis (and SPACE Photos)

On March 3, Seattle MC Astronautalis debuted his new live band with a show at SPACE Gallery in Portland, Maine. The band includes two familiar faces from our local scene, plus another member from the Bronx (we did an interview and photos at their practice space). At the show, Astronautalis said he’d been dreaming […]

SXSW Bands: Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

It looks like Lambmania really is catching on. Lady Lamb The Beekeeper (aka Aly Spaltro, formerly of Portland, Maine, now floating between NYC, MA, and Maine) has been riding a wave of buzz (I guess we were on to something) and good press in the past year, and this looks like a lot of […]

SXSW Bands: Screaming Females (Photos from NJ + SXSW Dates)

Sure, we just saw Screaming Females in Portland, but I can never get enough of them. On Friday, March 4, the band played a show at Asbury Lanes (a bowling alley with a music venue right in the middle of it, on top of the lanes!) in Asbury Park, NJ. The night was a […]

Grupo Esperanza\’s Final Show

Computer At Sea / The Gloaming / Shortsleeves

The Whitehaus Presents: BlastForth; a Blastfest Tour Feat. Planets Around The Sun & DJ Pony Farm

SXSW Bands: Dan Deacon (Made You Sweat)

On Friday, March 11, 2011, Dan Deacon finally came to Portland, Maine to play a highly-anticipated show at SPACE Gallery. The sold out show was, by all accounts, incredible. Read on, you’ll see.

Dan Deacon is only playing one show during SXSW this year. He said he didn’t want to do it, and waited […]

Death Vessel

Grandchildren / Sunset Hearts

Hyena / Dream Apartmenr / Elephant / Ancestral Diet

The Pleasants / Arborea / Meghan Yates

Zach Jones / Dean Ford [double cd release]

SXSW Bands: Nicole Atkins (Played Port City)

Just a couple weeks ago (Thursday, February 24 to be exact), Nicole Atkins was here in Portland to headline a show at Port City Music Hall. She has a modest schedule in Austin, TX this week with 4 shows at SXSW. I missed the Portland show, so I hope to catch her at the […]

The Mean / if and it

Murcielago / Roadsaw / Gozu