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Dilly Dilly’s Of Art And Intention Is Free

Album art by Jason Gorcoff

Album art by Jason Gorcoff

Dilly Dilly is one of those Portland musicians who you need to know. We featured her recently (for the Tower Of Song Fest) but this week there’s cause for celebration and a reminder: she’s just released a full length album called Of Art And Intention which you can download for free from her website. The album features some pretty spectacular guest musicians and engineers: Alias, Spencer Albee, Sontiago, Jason Ingalls, and Fresh Kils. Artwork is by Jason Gorcoff.

Though the album is free, donations are being accepted and are highly encouraged.

1 comment to Dilly Dilly’s Of Art And Intention Is Free

  • Mike C.

    downloaded and listened! Not exactly my thing, but really well put together. If she finds her audience she could do really well with this record.

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