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Hurray for the Riff Raff / Sam Doores and the Tumbleweeds

Nonprofit Night to Benefit True North: Ramblin\’ Red and more

Joe Fletcher and the Wrong Reasons / the Flipsides

FaceCrimes / When Particles Collide / if and it

Joe Fletcher and the Wrong Reasons

the Last Sip / Boy Without God / Jesse Pilgrim & the Bonfire

Metal Feathers / Nuclear Boots

Darien Brahms

Sea Level

PMF Music Industry And Community Night

This looks like a great chance for musicians, music fans, promoters, venue representatives, and anybody involved or interested in our exciting local music scene to come out and meet and share ideas. Monday, April 25 at Bayside Bowl, the Portland Music Foundation will host a Music Industry and Community Night beginning at 7pm. Bonus […]

Marie Stella / The Gay Blades / If And It

Grand Hotel

Wesley Hartley and The Traveling Trees / An Evening With

Transmission Drop / The Scummymen

Milkman\\\’s Union / Butcher Boy