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Horse Thief’s Bloodline Totem Poles Out Today

Mckeensstreet Music is a Portland-based label with a small but growing roster of acts across the country (you are likely well-acquainted with their arguably most well-known group, Brenda) and they’ve been smart with promotion through free album downloads. Today, they released Bloodline Totem Poles, the debut album from Horse Thief, aka Chad Chamberlain. Fans […]

Wesley Hartley’s Quiver…

Wesley Hartley, of Dead End Armory (who are, I believe, on hiatus), has quietly released a free, 10-song solo acoustic album through his art website. The album, Quiver Spoked Largely Eyed, can be downloaded (one track at a time unless you upgrade your account) from here.

Catch him live at SPACE Gallery in December opening […]

Port City Music Hall Front Lounge Series

I’m a big fan of free music, especially when a cool venue gets creative and finds fun new ways to use their space for something a little different (in August I’ll be putting my money where my mouth is when it comes to this idea, more on that in the coming weeks). In the […]