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Flannel 5th Issue Release: Waranimal / Holding Steady the Heartbeat of Hell / Absence of the Sun / Terrible Old Man

Kane Grogan / Jeff Beam and the Ice Storm of \’98 / Hutch Heelan

The Pubcrawlers / The Outsiders

The Queers / The Apers / Kurt Baker

Dementia Five / Hessian / Motherf@#kers Be Trippin\’

Wolves & the Radio / USA WASTE / Thee Icepicks

Folk Night! At GENOS

Dan MacLeod\’s going-away party: Loverless / Murcielago

Coats and Cans fro the Community: The Hot Tarts / Sun Gods In Exile / Spiderhearts / Atomi Trash

Heart Shaped Rock / Clubber Lang / Atomic Trash

Hessian / Sun Gods In Exile

Jesse Pilgrim and the Bonfire / Background / The Miserable Nothings

Monarch / Bloody Panda / Falls Of Rauros

Lovewhip / Streight Angular / Zayde Buti

Prom Of The Dead: The Hot Tarts / DJ King Alberto / DJ Dark City