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OFFStage Is Done. Thanks!

It’s been a long, fun month for HillyTown. Thanks to all the bands who played the OFFStage free concert series at SPACE Gallery, Otto for the pizza deals, the artists who designed posters, Allen West for doing sound for pizza and cranberry juice, everybody who volunteered at the events, and everybody who came out […]

Final OFFStage At SPACE Show Tomorrow!

The past three Wednesdays have been a lot of fun, as each week three bands have played free shows on the floor at SPACE Gallery. Thanks so much to all the bands who’ve participated in this experiment, and everybody who has been coming out each week to enjoy the shows! Tomorrow sees the finale […]

HillyTown Presents: White Light + Blood Warrior [Brooklyn, NY] + Mark Summers

Rotundo Sealeg / Mark Summers / Computer at Sea / Argyle Effect