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A Robot Presented: 4 Bands at Flask [9.8.11]

I know I keep saying it, but A Robot has been doing a great job throwing awesome free shows at Flask Lounge. If you’re into fun, loud, diy-style shows on the floor of a neighborhood bar, these are for you. The fact that it’s the home of the Moxie Bomb (careful with those, kids) […]

A Robot Presents: Captain Hollow / Powers / Pamola / Whisperians

Butcher Boy / Pamola / The Waldos / Hurricanes of Love

A Robot Presented at Flask [6.9.11]

Thursday night at Flask Lounge was one of those fun, low-key local shows that just feels so great. A Robot has been doing a great job putting together free shows, and everything aligned to make this one in particular especially fun. It’s no secret that HillyTown loves if and it and Butcher Boy, but […]

Falls Of Rauros / Ramlord / Pamola

PRIME Artist benefit 1: Elf Princess Gets A Harley / Pamola / Huak

Cars and Trains / Dead Icons / Ceschi Ramos / Pamola / Brzowski / Have Fun / Octo/Octa