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2013 Belfast Free Range Fest Sampler!

It’s mid-April, so that means that we’re back with yet another (our third, in fact) HillyTown Belfast Free Range Fest Sampler! This year, we’ve collective tracks from 21 bands playing next weekend’s festival (April 27) to make this free album for you to stream, embed, and download! Check it out below or at Bandcamp. (If […]

Rattlesnakes Give It Away For Free

In case you somehow missed one of the most fun local albums of the year, now is your chance to grab the Rattlesnakes’ Spread For The Wide Eagle for free. Not sure it’s worth the price (which can actually be whatever you want – and it’s certainly worth more than $0)? Give […]

New Lady Lamb Album + BMA

This past weekend, Lady Lamb The Beekeeper won the award for “Best Folk Artist” at the Boston Music Awards. That poll’s “Artist of the Year,” Amanda Palmer, went on a bit of a Twitter spree about her love for the new young artist. Today, Aly Spaltro (who has obviously not quite settled in NY […]

New Phantom Buffalo Album THIS WEEKEND

You know I love Phantom Buffalo, and I hope you do too. Tomorrow night sees the release of their long-awaited new album, Cement Postcard With Owl Colors with a show at Empire (Same Basic Bear and Chris And The Instant Animals open). Get a preview of the new (or at least newly released on record) […]