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As Fast As / The Desires

The Goodnight Process / Pinsky / the No. 9

Manners / Selbyville / Dick Heaven / Ambitious Tugboat

Matt & Kim / Fletcher C Johnson / Javelin

A Troop Of Echoes / Hoboe

In The Audience

Jesse Pilgrim

Folk By Association, Bonnie Cilla, Chris DiRocco

Gray Shield / Lonesome Lake / Wooden Dinosaur

New Grand Hotel Video

Tasty Dude Films made a new video for Grand Hotel‘s song, “California Cool”.

The band has a number of high profile gigs coming up this summer, including slots on both the Nateva and KahBang Festivals, as well as their cd release party at The Stadium (yes, really – I’ve actually heard that their […]

The Baltic Sea / Irepress / Hadoken

King Memphis / Jerks Of Grass

Free Silje Nes Show Tonight!

Due to car troubles, DM Stith and Inlets won’t be making it to SPACE Gallery tonight, so plans have changed a bit. The excellent Norwegian artist Silje Nes will still play, and now the show is free! Starts at 8pm, donations encouraged for the band.

Kino Proby

Hersey State / Mind Wheel / Over A Cardboard Sea