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Theodore Treehouse benefit show w/Dominic from The Lucid

Lower Dens (mini) Photo Recap

The Lower Dens (interview with Jana Hunter here) show at The Apohadion last week was so captivating that I didn’t spend too much time taking photos. Here’s one shot of the band – who played on the stage following Inoculist, and opening sets by excellent locals Jakob Battick and White Light. Definitely catch them on […]

KahBang’s Final Day, Biz Markie Photos

Though I had an amazing time at the first annual KahBang Festival in Bangor, Maine last year, I wasn’t able to make it up this time around. HillyTown photographer Conall O’Brien was, and he’ll be sending us some great photos from today’s full day of music. Here’s a taste of what’s happening up there from […]

Paper Castles

Glenn Jones / Meg Baird / Micah Blue Smaldone / Arborea


High On Fire / Torche / Kylesa

The Wailers


Martin Sexton

Portland Music In Video Jams

Three new things to watch and listen to this sunny Friday, all Portland music-related!

Kurt Baker – “Hanging On The Telephone”

Check out the behind the scenes video from the making of the above music video here. This was shot at SPACE Gallery, where Kurt will celebrate the release of Got It Covered tonight! […]

Tin Ceilings / Small Sur

This Moment In Black History – Tonight @ SPACE

The first time I saw Cleveland, Ohio’s This Moment In Black History, lead singer Christopher Kulcsar ran off the stage and across the tables of indifferent Blackberry-addicted hipsters at The Annex in NYC during the CMJ Music Marathon. That left quite an impression. I caught them again this year during SXSW on March 19 […]

AoK Suicide Forest / Leeches of Lore / Batshelter / Falls of Rauros