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Hyena / Blood Warrior / Great Valley / Some Say Leland

Jesse Rifkin (the Wailing Wall) / Guy Capelectro III / Will Stratton

Brenda / The Milkman\’s Union / Boy Without God

FaceCrimes / When Particles Collide / if and it

Huak / In the Audience / The Ghost is Alive and Well (CT)

The Toughcats / Cinder Conk

Gillian Welch

The Pixies / Surfer Blood


Cut Copy / Washed Out / Midnight Magic

TWO: Spencer Albee / Group Hug

TWO: Nuclear Boots / Mouth Washington

Hot August Night, On a Boat, aka Party Barge

Tricky Britches / Papadello / Maisie Newell and Eric Dayan

Mid-Summer Mega Dance Party – Gabe FM