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Dead Prez

Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad / The Green

The Mallett Brothers Band New Years Party

2nd Annual Oak + Ax Handmade Holiday Craft Fair

The Coloradas / Eric Bettencourt

Dark Hollow Bottling Co. / Pitch Black Ribbons

ICING: SPACE Gallery\’s New Year\’s Eve Bash!

Matt Haimovitz \’Flash\’ Concert

Down to the Well / Yankee Cockfight / Devil Dinosaur and Filthy Still

John Nels CD Release

The Fogcutters Present: Big Band Syndrome!

Plains / N/A / Coke Weed

The Memphibians / Mouth Washington / Cat Sh!t

The Lights Out / The Mallett Brothers Band / Town Founder

Slow Death/Fake Boys/Heavy Breathing/Dept. of Offense