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Photo Recap: Free Range Fest [4.30.11] – Part 3

As you’ve already seen in parts 1 and 2 of our Free Range Music Festival photo coverage, we all had an incredible time in Belfast this weekend. This is the third and final installment of photos, which includes the HillyTown afterparty held at Three Tides. The party was a big success – in fact we were surprised when the venue hit capacity and people couldn’t get in, which we certainly didn’t expect to happen. Thanks again to the Free Range Music Festival, Three Tides, our HillyTown photographers, and Mango Floss and Vistas (who played the party) for an unforgettable time. Photos by Conall O’Brien, Emily Qualey, Chelsea Lauryn Dowd, and Bryan Bruchman. Don’t forget to check out parts one and two for the rest of the festival photos (posts are in roughly chronological order) as well as Brass Cankles for videos from Mike Cunnane (who will forever be on the VIP list – even if one doesn’t exist-from now on).

Dead Man’s Clothes

Full Contact Kitty

The Rattlesnakes

Grass Widow

Jonny Corndawg

Tit City

Sunset Hearts

Time Crisis

HillyTown Afterparty w/Mango Floss + Vistas

1 comment to Photo Recap: Free Range Fest [4.30.11] – Part 3

  • Agghh! Sorry I missed this – family swooped in to town that weekend and I was held up. Looks like an awesome, awesome time. Thanks for the pictures!

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