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Photo Recap: Free Range Fest [4.30.11] – Part 3

As you’ve already seen in parts 1 and 2 of our Free Range Music Festival photo coverage, we all had an incredible time in Belfast this weekend. This is the third and final installment of photos, which includes the HillyTown afterparty held at Three Tides. The party was a big success – in fact […]

Isobell / Full Contact Kitty / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Gully / Class Machine / Full Contact Kitty

Full Contact Kitty / Metal Feathers

Marie Stella / Feel It Robot / Full Contact Kitty

Full Contact Kitty / Isobell / The Class Machine

Full Contact Kitty / Tony Smokes and The Ladykillers

Cougars Kill Cobras / Full Contact Kitty / The Big Big Bucks

Full Contact Kitty / Pigboat

Mt. Moon (last show) / Huak / Full Contact Kitty / Rotundo Sealeg