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Where You Been, Whatchya Seen?

I was away for the weekend and am still catching up.

Jon Donnell was at the HillyTown Presents show last Thursday at the Apohadion and took these photos:

Jon was ALSO at the Mayo Street Arts event on Saturday, a concert that included Asian Mae, Thunderbow/Brushes With Death, and Hobgoblin. Check out his […]

HillyTown Presents TONIGHT!

I know it’s a bit of a busy night around town, but I’ve got a great show for you, and it starts early (7pm). If you haven’t checked out The Apohadion yet, this is a great opportunity. See you tonight!

Tomorrow, El Jezel and Metal Feathers pair up again in Allston for a show […]

HillyTown Presents: February 18 At Apohadion

I haven’t put on a show in a while. Let’s do this.

Phantom Buffalo + Metal Feathers + El Jezel

As I tend to do, this show includes one band from away. El Jezel are an indie pop/shoegaze band from NYC who I’ve known for a few years now and whose lush songs will […]

HillyTown Presents: El Jezel / Phantom Buffalo / Metal Feathers