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Johnny Cash’s Birthday

48 Hour Music Festival

Girls Rock!

The Secret Weekend (cd release)

South China + Jakob Battick USM Gorham Show Photos

On Saturday, January 31st, South China and Jakob Battick played in the Hastings Formal Lounge at the USM Gorham campus. This was the first show in a new concert series at the University Of Southern Maine Gorham Campus.

All photos in this post by Stephanie Elizabeth Photography. More after the jump.


Dirty Projectors / Nat Baldwin / Angel Deradoorian

Hoboe / The Mutineers

Dead End Armory

Spencer And The School Spirit Mafia / Sara Hallie Richardson (cd release)

HillyTown + Squishybunny Present: Pretty & Nice / Feel It Robot / Sontiago & Dilly Dilly / BAM BAM

HillyTown Presents: Rotundo Sealeg / Poingly / Eric Hnatow