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CANCELED: Prince Rama / Theodore Treehouse

Dark Dark Dark / Milagres / Meghan Yates

Phantom Buffalo / Concord Ballet Orchestra Players

Free Energy / Foxy Shazam / Hollerado

FILM: Who is Harry Nilsson and Why is Everybody Talkin\’ About Him?

Emilia Dahlin / Ahmad Hassan Muhammad Trio

Soul Train Dance Party presented by Rogues Gallery

Common Ground Fair This Weekend

The annual Common Ground Fair in Unity, Maine is one of the state’s biggest events, and this year’s festivities are just about to kick off. At 9am on Friday, September 24, things get started and will run for three days. The Maine Organic Farmers And Growers Association fair celebrates rural living in all ways, […]

Bollard\’s 5 year Anniversary Party w/ EGGBOT


Maine Bands Heading To CMJ

Today, CMJ announced the current full list of bands performing at this year’s annual Music Marathon & Film Festival. Check out the full list here. Why do we care so much about a festival in another city? Because for the first time ever, it will include a Portland, Maine showcase with 7 bands from the […]

Unrelated Musical Things

So long, North Star. Portland loved you too.

They need to have the place cleared out by this Friday (9/24) so there will be cleaning parties every night at 6pm beginning on Tuesday. Stop by and help out if you can!

There’s a new installment in Pitchfork’s POV Concert Series (you can pick […]

Heavy Pressure Night: Steppo


Human Baggage / I, Barbarian, Dylan Bredau / Gay Camp