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NYE: Mallett Brothers / Marion Grace / Holy Boys Danger Club

Billy Libby and Friends

In The Audience / Cam Jones / Laces Out

Britta Pejic [cd release] / the Lomax / Isobel

Joshua Madore / Marc Pinansky / Wes Hartley and the Traveling Trees

Div Kid [cd release] / Will Gattis

S. Carey / White Hinterland / The Milkman\’s Union

Theodore Treehouse [cd release] / Brenda / Phantom Buffalo

Doomtree – Wings & Teeth Tour / Sontiago

ROBYN / Natalia Kills / Diamond Rings

Maine On Bandcamp

We owe our friends at Factory Portland a big thanks for thinking to find and share this: bands tagged with “maine” on Bandcamp. You already know that we’re fans of the music-hosting/sharing site, as we’ve been using it for serve our featured albums (by the way, Jeff Beam’s new one, Venus Flying Trapeze is […]

EOTO Photo Recap [11.13.10]

Both EOTO and Portland’s own Cyborg Trio work in the realm of jammy live/electronic improvisation. The two acts shared a bill at Port City Music Hall on Saturday, November 13, and The Cyborg Trio will play a free party at the Big Easy on New Year’s Eve (a night where you’ll have plenty of […]

Bass Box [cd release] / Lady Zen / the Curious Girl

Holy Boys Danger Club / Phantom Companion

BUOY Is Pretty Much Magic

What, is the title a little too much? But it’s true! Billed on the Facebook event as “HOMETOWN FAVS & LOVES AFAR|||SOUNDS oF LIMITLESS GENEROSITY,” it seemed likely that there’d be warm and fuzzy feelings at Kittery’s BUOY Gallery for last night’s show, which included hometown favorite Nat Baldwin (of Dirty Projectors), Brooklyn sax […]