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Friday Roundup: Blue is back, Mouth Washington, HI-DEF VIDZ and more

Spencer Albee and Walter Craven of 6gig in a recent video by Knack Factory.

Spencer Albee and Walter Craven of 6gig in a HI-DEF VID by Knack Factory.

I’m writing this roundup from my grown-up desk at my grown-up job, but I will assure you all that it’s just a facade. The true and only reason I have a job is so I can take an hour out […]

Friday Roundup: Lady Lamb, GWP, HOME, Mama’s, and more!

Great Western Plain

By Dylan Martin. Welcome to the first edition of Hilly Town’s Friday Roundup, as written by a recovering local music journalist who’s looking to get back into the game for some reason. So I’m a little out-of-touch, but I think this roundup can help give you an idea of what’s happened in the past week, between the daily posts by Kevin Steeves here and articles written elsewhere on the interwebs. […]

Ray LaMontagne At Merrill Photo Recap

Last week, Ray LaMontagne returned to his home state of Maine to play two sold out shows at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Fun fact: apparently he lives in a house in Lewiston that was previously occupied by Norman Mailer. Interesting.

Read on for a full review of the first of the two shows – […]

Photos: Dirty Projectors + Nat Baldwin at BUOY in Kittery

Words by Dylan Martin, photos by Stephanie Elizabeth.

The BUOY Gallery is a relatively new performance venue located in Kittery, Maine. From the moment I stepped inside I noticed how tremendously DIY the venue is, with colored clamp lights from Wal-Mart and Peavey speakers stacked onto milk crates. This made for an immensely warm […]