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Hot August Night, On a Boat, aka Party Barge

Foam Castles Album Officially Available

Foam Castles – “Garage From Sling Blade”

Portland’s Foam Castles – who played our OFFStage series this summer, Picnic, and the Summer Solstice boat party – have obviously been busy since we profiled the band’s sole member/mastermind/songwriter, Tyler Jackson, back in May. We’ve been enjoying the new album, Molly’s Jungle, since the Spring, but today […]

Inside Ron Harrity’s New Studio With Liberation By Sound

Liberation By Sound host DJ Roy recently visited the new studio in South Portland built by Ron Harrity (Peapod/PICNIC/Honey Clouds), and along with DJ Miles got some inside info on the construction of this professional studio in a residential neighborhood. Check it out:


Peapod Recordings Showcase