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Roundup, Not Just Music (April 4-10)

Gerald Von Stoddard sent out the word this week that the mighty have fallen. Local juggernauts Cougars Kill Cobras have called it quits. Bummer. A new club in Windham called Club 302 will have their grand opening on April 22. They are currently booking bands. The Noise has an interesting review of the Johnny […]

The Rattlesnakes / Mink Wilde and The Gentlemen Callers / Gully / Cougars Kill Cobras

Fucked Up / Cougars Kill Cobras

WCYY Class of 2008: Cougars Kill Cobras / the Baltic Sea

Cougars Kill Cobras / Cinema Cinema / Huak

Cougars Kill Cobras / Full Contact Kitty / The Big Big Bucks

Words And Images (Cougars Kill Cobras)

Peapod Recordings Showcase

Cougars Kill Cobras / Shellshag