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Titty City w/Spelunkatron 69hundo

4th Anual Christmas Rock Spectacular w/ Rotundo Sealeg / Good Kids Sprouting Horns / Strawberry Allstars / Wood Burning Cat

The Luxembourgs

Red Medicine / Huak

Communipaw / Sarah Wallis

Sunset Hearts / 28 Degrees Taurus / Huak

Gabriel Miller-Phillips / Marvin and the Cloud Wall

Leland Sundries / Will Levith

Dooryard Presents: Robber & Thief / Glitterazzi / DJ Polygone

Theodore Treehouse benefit show w/Dominic from The Lucid

Jakob Battick / Sound Bundle / James Keyes

Jesse Pilgrim / The Homeless People

If and It / Dan Blakeslee / Hands Of The Wrong People

Building Of Song Fundraiser: Meghan Yates & the Reverie Machine / D Gross / Jakob Battick / Jesse Pilgrim / Town Founder

In The Audience