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Audrey Ryan [album release] / Brown Bird / South China

Alina Simone

BRZOWSKI [album release] / Prayers for Atheists / Doll Fight! / H.W. / Ill By Instinct

Soul Clap! w/DJ Jonathan Toubin

Alela Diane / The Parson Red Heads / Emily Dix Thomas

Deep Heaven Now Portland: Herbcraft / Dreams / Silent Land Time Machine / Khora / Nick Kuepfer

Deep Heaven Now Portland: Metal Feathers / Foam Castles / Mr. Chris and the Instant Animals / 28 Degrees Taurus / QUILT / MMOSS

In The Audience (ep release) / Dirty Dishes (Boston) / The Milkman\\\’s Union

Mission of Burma / Haru Bangs

Good Kids Sprouting Horns (cd release) / Marie Stella / Theodore Treehouse

Titus Andronicus / Brenda / Dinowalrus

Samuel James / Joe Fletcher and the Wrong Reasons / The Loomin\’ Ten

Dan Deacon / Ed Schrader\’s Music Beat / Computer At Sea / Glass Fingers / DJ Ponyfarm

The Low Anthem / Bobby

Astronautalis / Sims / Sandbag