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Dog Day Afternoons with Vince Nez


Paul Baribeau / Behind The Wall

Covered In Bees / Confusatron / Hatchet Face And The Vipers

Covered In Bees / Man Witch / Ghosthunter

MAN WITCH and Ashabti

Benefit for Uncle Eddie

Cougars Kill Cobras / Shellshag


Hello World, Hilly Town is Here

Welcome to Hilly Town, a place that will help you plan your indie rock (and then some) show-going activities in Portland.

There will be additions to the site as we go along, like venue and band profiles, but this seems like a good place to start. Please email me to share your site feedback and […]

Jerks Of Grass (CD Release)

Bon Iver + Bowerbirds

South China

As Fast As