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Roundup! First Friday Art Walk And Everything Is Happening

First order of business: you still have about 5 hours to get your entry in for the KahBang tickets giveaway! Do it now! The contest will end and winners will be picked at about 4pm today. After that you’ll have to purchase tickets here.

In other festival news, the full Nateva schedule has been announced. […]

If and It / Dan Blakeslee

Gem Club / Cabinet of Natural Curiosities / Manners

Pete Fosco / MV & EE / Herbcraft / Uke of Spaces Corners

Waylon Speed

Heather Maloney

Audrey Ryan / The Points North


Lost On Liftoff / Fyve / Chaos Sauce / Sons of Knox

Arms Against A Sea / Machine / The Class Machine / No Sane Man

the Pubcrawlers / the Murder Weapon / Tastes Like Chicken / Smokin\’ Dead Souls

Arootsakoostic Music Festival

Clara Berry / Amanda Gervasi

Sean Ashby / Marie Moreshead

Over A Cardboard Sea / Hessian / Batshelter