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A Robot Presented: 4 Bands at Flask [9.8.11]

I know I keep saying it, but A Robot has been doing a great job throwing awesome free shows at Flask Lounge. If you’re into fun, loud, diy-style shows on the floor of a neighborhood bar, these are for you. The fact that it’s the home of the Moxie Bomb (careful with those, kids) […]

A Robot Presents: Captain Hollow / Powers / Pamola / Whisperians

A Robot Presents: SoupCans / Mouth Washington

Foam Castles / All Dinosaurs / Two Hand Fools

A Robot Presents: Old Abode / The Starborn / Joel Carpenter

Steiner Street

A Robot Presents: Mango Floss / When Particles Collide / Elizabeth Taillon

A Robot Presented at Flask [6.9.11]

Thursday night at Flask Lounge was one of those fun, low-key local shows that just feels so great. A Robot has been doing a great job putting together free shows, and everything aligned to make this one in particular especially fun. It’s no secret that HillyTown loves if and it and Butcher Boy, but […]

Flask Co-ed Night Photo Recap [5.12.11]

On Thursday, A Robot put together a show with the theme of co-ed bands at Flask Lounge. Rio Bravo, a NH band that reminded me of Be Your Own Pet (or you could say a cross between YYYs and Gossip, but something about their sound was a bit more punk than the artier rock […]

Dementia Five / Rio Bravo / The Rattlesnakes

All Ages: Steiner Street / Background / the New 45 / Connelly / I Barbarian

The Luxembourgs

AoK Suicide Forest / Leeches of Lore / Batshelter / Falls of Rauros

This Way / Roosevelt Dime

48 Hour Free Albums

Ok, so it’s not actually 48 hours of free music, but rather the 6 bands created during the 48 hour-long experiment last February at SPACE Gallery have recorded albums, which you can now download for free! Get them here (click on the albums on the right side to go through each of them) and enjoy! […]