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Gem Club / Tiger Saw / Hello Shark

Mount Eerie / Nicholas Krgovich / Tiger Saw

Golden Ghost + Tiger Saw + Nat Baldwin

If and It / Tiger Saw / Peter Squires

South China / Tiger Saw

Tiger Saw / St. Claire / Winter Sons / Wesley Allen Hartley & the Traveling Trees

Pearl And The Beard / Tiger Saw / Lady Lamb The Beekeeper

Lazarus / Tiger Saw / Plains

Deer Tick / Those Darlins / Tiger Saw

Indie Rock Puppet Theater

On Friday, Dylan Metrano will bring his new book about the first decade of his band Tiger Saw, All My Friends Are Right Here With Me, and the corresponding tour to Portland with a free, all ages show at SPACE Gallery. The book comes with a cd with 13 tracks featuring other artists covering the […]

Tiger Saw [book release] / South China

Tiger Saw [book release] / South China [cd release] / The Wailing Wall

Tiger Saw / Gregg Porter

Tiger Saw / The Wailing Wall (MARDI GRAS!)