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TWO: RUIN / Breeding Strength

TWO: Pete Kilpatrick Band/ The Coloradas

TWO: Sasquatch & The Sick-a-Billys / The Outsiders

TWO: Marie Stella / Brenda

TWO: Phantom Buffalo / The Lucid

In the Audience / Hi, Tiger

TWO: Good Kids Sprouting Horns / Grand Hotel

TWO: Dead Man\’s Clothes / The Class Machine

Arborea / Jozef Van Wissem

Covered In Bees / Superpower

King Memphis / Jerks Of Grass

TWO V2.2 Started

Following the massive success of their winter local music series, TWO, Port City Music Hall is at it again with another slew of $2 shows on Tuesday nights (mostly), which kicked off last night with what looked to be a packed house (I only saw in passing, on my way to what turned out to […]

TWO Continues Tomorrow: Marie Stella + Metal Feathers

Word is that the TWO Local Music Series at Port City Music Hall (Tuesdays, two bands, $2 cover, $2 beers) is going well (see photos from last week’s Dilly Dilly + Lady Lamb show there)… and in the interest of a bit of self-promo, here’s the flyer (above) for tomorrow’s installment of the concert […]

Dilly Dilly + Lady Lamb The Beekeeper Photos

It was great to see Port City Music Hall filled with so many people for this double bill of local musicians on Tuesday, February 2. Lady Lamb The Beekeeper and Dilly Dilly each played two sets – partially together – as part of the venue’s TWO local music series. Photos by Bryan Bruchman. Read […]

TWO: Local Music Series at Port City Music Hall

Now one year old, Port City Music Hall has announced plans to get some local original music happening on Tuesdays to help get us all through this winter. Every tuesday, from January 19 to April 6, 2010 (at 8pm), the venue will host two bands for just $2 at the door, with $2 draft beer […]