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Weekly Roundup! (Feb. 14-20)

As we start to see the end of February in sight, brings you a string of events sure to keep you toasty. It all starts with a free show this Sunday night at Slainte that will get you dancing. Featuring Poingly (from Brooklyn, electro spazz-dance pop gems and jams), Eric Hnatow (from Northampton, MA, […]

The Thermals / The Shakey Hands / Point Juncture

Kurtzmannzoom (Front Lounge)

OCEAN / Junius / Eld

Strause & Company / Jerks Of Grass / Johnny Fountain

Hot Day at the Zoo

Photos: The Scrapes + Ryan Whelan in a living room

House shows are the best.

Even with a broken leg, the Scrapes brought the dance party to a post-Valentines/DoorYard benefit living room show in Portland on Sunday night. It was actually the quietest dance party I’ve ever been to, and a lot of fun.

Before the Scrapes turned the joint into a shuffle […]

Pecos Bill / The Divorced / Robber and Thief / Grant Street Orchestra

David Wax Museum

HillyTown Presents: South China / Jessica Pavone & Mary Halvorson / White Light

Leap Year Spectacular (Adam Kurtz)

Bird In The Rafters

Weekly Roundup (Feb. 7-13)

If you turn your eyeballs slightly to the right, you’ll see new flyers for our three upcoming events in Portland. Check them out and come say hi! Ok, on to the Roundup:


The Press Herald published their “10 To Watch” list for 2009, giving their rundown of 10 (newish) Portland bands on the […]

HillyTown + Neon Garden present: LA Riots!

Photos: Lady Lamb The Beekeeper + Paper Birds at Meg Perry Center

At Sunday night’s show at Meg Perry Center in Portland, Lady Lamb The Beekeeper played what was supposedly their last show for a few months. The Brunwick/Old Orchard Beach duo plan to spend the next two or three months focusing on writing and recording new songs. It’s been a great streak for the band […]