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Mark Olson (of the Jayhawks) / Vandaveer

Autumnal Gold EQUINOX: Planets Around The Sun / Oracle Offering / Mona Nash + more

Dana Gross / Dan Blakeslee / In Flight Safety

Foam Castles Album Officially Available

Foam Castles – “Garage From Sling Blade”

Portland’s Foam Castles – who played our OFFStage series this summer, Picnic, and the Summer Solstice boat party – have obviously been busy since we profiled the band’s sole member/mastermind/songwriter, Tyler Jackson, back in May. We’ve been enjoying the new album, Molly’s Jungle, since the Spring, but today […]

Greendrinks Is TONIGHT At Bayside Bowl!

Don’t be scared. If it’s OK to drink on a Tuesday (the usual monthly day of the week for Portland Greendrinks), then a Monday is just as acceptable. Give it a shot tonight as the networking event brings its kegs to Bayside Bowl, at 58 Alder Street in Portland. As usual, the event starts […]

Mike Gordon

Crank Sturgeon / Sterile Garden / Twilight People / Thithy Bwown / Mystic Out Bop Revue / Capillary Action / Underground River


Spose and [dog] and [pony] Team Up

In what might seem like an unlikely pairing, Portland’s music video masters [dog] and [pony] have teamed up with Wells’ premier rapper, Spose (Universal Records), to produce a video for “The Cask” which also works as a promo video for his upcoming album, The Audacity!, due out later this year. Check it out below:


Port City Doing It For The Kids

As you probably know, there’s a big Ozomatli show at Port City tonight. With all of you college kids back in town now, they’ve decided to cut you a deal and make $10 student tickets available at the door (don’t forget yr ID, and you do still need to be over 21). That’s definitely a […]

The All-Girl Boys Choir / The Hot Tarts

Kurt Baker (acoustic)

Gabriel Miller-Phillips / Marvin and the Cloud Wall

Leland Sundries / Will Levith

Japanther / Screaming Females / Rattlesnakes